
Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Console Wars – Move vs. Kinect

Move vs. Kinect is the focus of Console Wars Season 2, and in this first round, LP focuses on the design of the two controllers.
The Sony Move and Microsoft Kinect were released within just a few months of one another, and that immediately set up a Move vs. Kinect argument amongst gamers.
Was it better to go with the Wii-like Move controllers from Sony?  It sure seemed to be the one “hardcore” gamers were leaning towards, but there were hesitations from some because it just seemed so similar to what we had seen before.
The Microsoft Kinect took a hammering from traditional gamers because it seemed to be catering so much to the casual gamers, just as Nintendo had done with the Wii.  We hear a lot of talk about the “potential” of the Kinect, but people keep waiting for it to become a reality, and not just the product of the very active hacking community.
Both Move and Kinect are sure to have their pros and cons, and in this first installment of the Console Wars season 2, it’s just about design and usability.  Who do you think we will win this round?  After this, it’s five more rounds before we crown a champ, so be sure to tune in for them all.

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