
Tuesday, 22 February 2011

3DS LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Announced

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean is coming to the Nintendo 3DS this May, as announced by a press release. Beyond exclusive 3D visuals, the game also brings with it a take on the StreetPass functionality and a way to earn Play Coins. StreetPass!? Play Coins?? Here’s two features we haven’t covered much of on TechnoBuffalo.
First of all, this LEGO Pirates game will deliver on all of the points and basics you’ve come to expect from any title in the franchise. You’ll explore via strong platforming, solve puzzles, relive scenes from the flicks and go absolutely crazy collecting all kinds of goodies. That’s the heart and soul of these games, collection, collection and more collection.
Where StreetPass is concerned, LEGO Pirates features Pirate Duels. StreetPass is a function of the 3DS that allows players to be aware of gamers with the 3DS in their area. I’ve never been much of a fan of this technology as, just as it is with the NGP, it’s not necessarily meant for American culture.
Location based gaming, in this writer’s opinion, is perfectly suited and developed for gamers in Japan. I lived there for a few months and can attest to the fact that folks of all ages whip their portables out and play them on trains. Everywhere you go most everyone rides a train on a daily basis for about two hours of commuting. That’s a perfect place to boot up and find competition to pass the time. In the States? Not so much. Maybe in the big cities, sure, but what are you going to do in LA or even the middle of Kansas? Pull your system out in the carpool lane and stay 10 feet away from the nearest car that, by a sheer struck of luck that defies all logic, has a player with a 3DS or NGP inside… right.
Nintendo’s got a plan to make gaming on the go, constantly, more appealing. Play Coins. Play Coins are the system’s currency. You’ll earn them by performing activities within StreetPass functions. And with these Play Coins you’ll be able to unlock in game content. In LEGO Pirates you earn them by winning Pirate Duels. They will allow you to unlock new characters; again, the heart and soul of the series.
Any takers? LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game for the 3DS is due out this May.

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